Dr. Arjuna ThantilageSenior Lecturer arjunapgiar@kln.ac.lk
+94 71 4488726
- B.Sc Physical Science 1991 University of Colombo
- M.Sc Analytical Chemistry 1994 University of Colombo
- PG Dip. Archaeology 1998 PGIAR, University of Kelaniya
- PhD Archaeometallurgy 2008 PGIAR, University of Kelaniya
Ancient Metallurgy, Computer Application in Archaeology, Research on Ancient Material & Technology
- 2014 to date - Coordinator, Laboratory of Cultural Material Analysis, PGIAR
- 2011 - To date - Member, Boards of Studies, PGIAR
- 2011 - To date - Coordinator – Postgraduate Diploma in Museology
- 2019 - To date Course Coordinator – Postgraduate Diploma in Cultural Tourism
- 2021 - To date Specialist consultant in Archaeology, Central Cultural Fund
- 2016 to 2020 - Director Archaeology, Trincomalee Project, Central Cultural Fund
- 2003 –To date - Coordinator - Certificate Course in Painting Conservation
- 1996 – 2010 Visiting Lecturer University of Kelaniya
- 2007 -2010 Visiting Lecturer, MA/MSSc Archaeology, University of Kelaniya
- 2000 – 2009 Visiting Lecturer University of Ruhuna
- 2004 – 2010 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Colombo
- 2017 - Visiting Lecturer, Department of Archaeology and History, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura
- 2019 - Visiting Lecturer, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura
- 1989- SARCP settlement Archaeology project Sigiraiya
- 1990 – Potana prehistoric cave excavation
- 1994 – Yala Archaeological Exploration program
- 1995- Pallemalala prehistoric Excavation
- 1996 – 2002 Team member PGIAR/ ECHR program, Uppsala University Sweden
- 1998 – Nuwaragala archaeological exploration conducted by the CCF, Sigiriya project
- 2003 – Study on the deterioration processes of fired bricks in the ancient monuments of Polonnaruva, 11th Century Capital of Sri Lanka
- 2004 – UNESCO-University of Ruhuna Tsunami Rehabilitation project for Matara
- 2005 - Study to assess the effects of urban pollution on the museum collections
- 2006 – 2007 Associate Field Director, PGIAR/ Department of Archaeology joint program for Varna cave excavation
- 2008 – 2009 – Associate Field Director, PGIAR/ Department of Archaeology joint program for Alawala cave excavation
- 2010 - Associate Field Director, PGIAR/ Department of Archaeology joint program for Protohistoric burial excavation at Nikawalamulla
- 2011 – 2012 Field Director for the project for Burial dismantling and setting up at the National Museum
- 2013 – Research Associate for the Southern archaeology project of the sea link program the University of Oxford and Central Cultural Fund
- 2014 - Conducted Wijayarama Historical site mapping project.
- Conducted archaeological survey of historical sites in Trincomalee District and prepared first phase field report.
- 2014 - Conducted Archaeological excavation at Illankanthurei port site and copper furnace excavation at Kavantissapura.
- 2014 - Conducted by Ancient Pilgrim Route of Trinco to Sripahada project and prepared brief survey report for the Central Cultural Fund.
- 2015 - Conducted the Ancient copper metallurgy research project in Seruwila area.
- 2015 - Field Specialist, Pollonnaruwa Archaeological Research Project, a collaboration project with Central Cultural Fund, Durham University UK, Department of Archaeology and Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology.
- 2013 - 2018 Conducted the Ancient copper metallurgy research project in Seruwila area.
- 2017 - Conducted the field programmers to study the Technology of Kandy Period Murals research Project to cover the sites representing five province temples which belong to Kandy Period which situated in all islands ( identify the pigments and binding media in murals, collect those samples and examine those sample at LCMA Laboratory)
- 2017- Conducted the field tour as a project coordinator, to the selected archaeological sites for 3D photography in order to represent Sri Lanka in the World Atlas of Maritime Buddhism
- (World Atlas of Maritime Buddhism International Project the collaboration project with Laboratory for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums of New South Wales, Australia and Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, project funded by Australian Research Council Linkage Grant 2015. )
- 2017- The coordinated program of 3D photography recording of selected artefacts lying at the Colombo national museum for representing the Maritime Buddhist Heritage of the country in order to represent them in the World Atlas of Maritime Buddhis (World Atlas of Maritime Buddhism International Project the collaboration project with Laboratory for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums of New South Wales, Australia and Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, project funded by Australian Research Council Linkage Grant 2015. )
- 2017 - Conducted one day workshop at PGIAR, Digital application for Museum Exhibition: special lecture and practical training seminar for Photogrammetry, delivered by Prof. Sarah Kenderdine (Director, Laboratory for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums of New South Wales)
- 1995 – GIS applications in Archaeology Department of Geography, Uppsala University Sweden
- 2000 – Use of Metallographic technique for analysis of historic metals, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
- 2003 – Use of stable lead isotope analysis for archaeology, lead isotope laboratory, Natural History Museum, Stockholm, Sweden
- Thantilage, A.; Ratnayake, S.; Cooray, N. “Study of Deterioration of Ancient Brick Monuments -A Case Study at Polonnaruva” , Archaeologia, Journal of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Vol 2, 2006
- Thantilage,A.; Hewamanna, R., “Metallurgical Investigation of some Ancient coins found in Mantai and Pidurangala- Sri Lanka”, Spolia Zeylanica, Department of National Museums, Colombo, Vol 40, 2003
- Tantilage, A; Abeygunawardhana, C.S.; Ratnayake, Hema; Dharmawardena, Granville, “examination of the Jethavana pot”, Scientific Research reports, Research Laboratory, Central Cultural Fund, Vol 1, No 223,1996
- Thantilage, A.; Ratnayake, S.; Cooray, N. “Investigation into the Deterioration processes of ancient brickwork at Polonnaruwa, Spolia Zeylanica, Department of National Museums, Colombo, Vol 40, 2003
- Thantilage, A. “An importance of composition and trace element analysis for archaeological metal objects” Archaeologia, Journal of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Vol 2, 2006
- Adikari, G.; Thantilage, A; “Phosphate analysis in Potana prehistoric Cave” Retrospect, No.6, 2006
- Adikari, G; Thantilage A “Sri Lankawe Mesolithika Ugaya Pilibada navapraveshayak (in Sinhala), National Archaeological Congress 2006 publication, Department of Archaeology, Colombo, Vol 3, 2006
- Chandrasena U.A.; Thantilage, A “Hambantota distrikkaye bumi pariharana ratawa”(in Sinhala), in Hambantota distrikkaya samaja sanskruthika urumaya, Silva. N, Wijepala. W.H., Ranasinghe. S (eds), Publication No 392, Central Cultural Fund, Colombo
- Adikari, G.; Thantilage, A “A New Chronology for Sri Lanka: The identification of New Cultural Phase ‘Postmesolithic’”, Archaeologia, Journal of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Vol 3, 2007
- Thantilage, A “Protohistoric copper metallurgy in Sri Lanka : An Overview” in Roland Silva Felicitation Volume, Chutiwongs N, Siva. N (eds), PGIAR Publication, 2008
- Thantilage, A “A Scientific Study of the Sri Lankan Anuradhapura period bronze images” ICSSL publication, University of Kelaniya 2008
- Thantilage, A et el “A Metallurgical Investigation of some Iron Nails found in Sigiriya” Spolia Zeylanica, Department of National Museums, Colombo, Vol 41 , 2010
- Thantilage, A “Scientific Discoveries on Archaeology of the Seruwila Copper Magnetite Deposit” The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, 3rd Research conference March 2009
- Thantilage, A “Scientific Observations on the Unification of Siva and Parvati Bronzes by Sirinimal lakdusinghe, Sirinimal Lakdusinghe Felicitation volume, Neptune publication Colombo 2009
- Thantilage, A “Scientific Evidence to prove ancient trade links with Tissamaharama” UNDP publication on Sri Lankan Art and Archaeology (accepted for publish in 2010)
- Thantilage, A “Kandy Period Bronze Buddha Images of Sri Lanka: Visual and Technological studies” Spolia Zeylanica, Department of National Museums, Colombo, Vol 42 (accepted for published in 2012)
- Thantilage, A.; Ratnayake, S., “An iron bowl from Tissamaharama – Technical studies”, Ancient Ceylon, Department of Archaeology, Colombo, Vol 23 ,2012
- MĀVIL ĀRU: a Possible trade hub, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2013/1
- Ilankaturai International Port Site, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2013/2
- Twelve Newly Discovered Inscriptions from the Seruwila Area , Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2013/3
- fiareú, ;U ksIamdok m%foaYfha ft;sydisl iudc jHqy i|yd wdlD;shla,Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2013/4
- Ten Newly discovered Early Brahmi Inscriptions of Trincomalee District, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2014/3
- 22.uydpdßl u.a.( fiareú, -wkqrdOmqr fM;sydisl .ukaud¾.h" w¾cqk ;ka;s,f.a [iy fjk;a wh] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology,2014/4
- A Technological Study of Ancient Sri Lankan Kodithuwakkuwa, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2014/15
- ;s%l=Kdu,h Èia;s%lalfhka uE;§ fidhd.;a f,ka ,sms " w¾cqk ;ka;s,f.a [iy fjk;a wh] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2014/16
- ;s%l=Kdu,h Èia;s%lalfha wm%ldYs; f,ka ,sms lsysmhla " w¾cqk ;ka;s,f.a [iy fjk;a wh] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2015/01
- ;s%l=Kdu,h Èia;s%lalfha wm%ldYs; fi,a ,sms " w¾cqk ;ka;s,f.a [iy fjk;a wh] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology,2015/02
- Resource Utilization in Sri Lankan Historical Iron Production, PGIAR Occasional Paper No. 4 | 2015
- Findings of Adulterations In Dummala Oil Used for The Conservation of Ola-leaf Manuscripts | Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Laboratory of Cultural Material Analysis Publication - Series 02 Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
- ;s%l=Kdu,h Èia;s%lalfha wm%ldYs; wNsf,aLK lsysmhla w¾cqk ;ka;s,f.a [iy fjk;a wh] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
- Distribution of prehistoric stone tools in the Mahaweli delta region, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
- Five Tamil Inscriptions of the Trincomlee District, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
- fiareú, ;U ksêh wdY%s; fu.,s;sl iqidk N+ñ w¾cqk ;ka;s,f.a [iy fjk;a wh] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
- An Account of the recently discovered Rock Art site at Kurullangala in Ella, Sri Lanka. Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
- Red Pigments Used in Kandy Period Murals, Laboratory of Cultural Material Analysis Publication Series | 05, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology 2017 /1
- fljq,a.u o<od.ukaud<s.d úydria:dkfha mqiafld< f,aLKh" Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology 2017 /2
- Wvrg ì;=is;=jï l,dfõ kS, j¾Kh( foaYmd,k yd wd¾Ól fmr<shl m%ldYkhla f,I" Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology 2017 /3
- An Evaluation on Scientific Investigation of Bronze Tara Image from Sri Lanka at the British Museum: A Critical Controversy of its Provenance, in Buddha Rashmi Vesak Volume, Central Cultural Fund, Colombo 2018
- oykj jk ishjfia ixl%dka;Sh is;=jï Ys,amSkaf.a j¾Kl lÜg,fha ixl%dka;sh" Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Memoirs of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology,2018
- Yellow Pigments Used in Kandy period Murals, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Laboratory of Cultural Material Analysis Publication Series | 06 ,2018
- Red Pigments Used in Kandy Period Murals, Arjuna Thantilage [et all] Central Cultural Fund, Colombo.
- Scientific evidence to show ancient lead trade with Tissamaharama Sri Lanka: A metallurgical study, Archaeology.lk , Published date : 25 June 2018
- An evaluation on scientific investigation of Bronze Tara image from Sri Lanka at the British Museum: A critical evaluation on the controversy of its provenance, Archaeology.lk , Published date: 20 June 2018
- Kandy period Bronze Buddha images of Sri Lanka: Visual and Technological styles, Archaeology.lk , Published date : 06 June 2018
- Adikari, G; Thantilage A “Sri Lankawe Mesolithika Ugaya Pilibada navapraveshayak (in Sinhala), National Archaeological Congress 2006
- Thantilage, A “Ancient copper metallurgy in Sri Lanka” A Colloquium on “Transition of Hunter-Gatherers to Historic in Sri Lanka” Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 13th December 2006
- Adikari, G; Thantilage A “A New Techno-Cultural phase identified in Sri lankan Late Mesolithic period” A Colloquium on “Transition of Hunter-Gatherers to Historic in Sri Lanka” Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 13th December 2006
- Sinclair, P.; Somadeva, R.; Adikari, G.; Premathilake, R.; Thantilage, A.; (2003), The development of the historical urbanism in the lower kirindi oya basin of southern Sri Lanka, in Fish bones and Glittering Emblems, Anna Kalstrom & Anna Kallen (eds), South Asian Archaeology, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquity, Stockholm, 2003
- Thantilage, A “Technology of Sri Lankan bronze icons” paper presented at the Sri Lankan day seminar conducted by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden 2002
- Adikari, G; Thantilage, A “The Recent Discovery of New Cultural Phase “postmesolithic” in Sri Lanka” in 11th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies “Social Realities and Natural Enviorenment in Sri Lanka: Insiders and outsiders perspective, University of Portsmouth, United Kindom, November 2007
- Thantilage, A “A scientific study of the Sri Lankan Anuradhapura period bronze images” International Conference on Social Sciences, Sri Lanka (ICSSL) July 2008
- Thantilage, A “New Scientific Discoveries on Sri Lankan bronze heritage” Glimpses of Archaeology, Scientific Archaeology and Main Library at the Deccan College, PG & RI Pune, India & The Sri lankan Experience, Department of Archaeology January 2009
- Thantilage, A; Bandaranayake, S “Periodization, stylistic change and archaeo-metallurgical variations in Sri Lankan bronze sculpture, The Society of South Asian Archaeology, 3rd International congress, Center for South Asian Studies, August 2010
- Adikari, G; Thantilage, A et el “Recent discoveries of wet lowland Cave site of the Alavala Potgul lena in Sri Lanka: Excavation and results
- CCF museum Polonnaruva Monthly Lecture Series Guest Lecture on 19/05/2005
- University of Kelaniya “Archeological Day” Guest Lecture 30/08/2005
- Negambo region teachers training workshop guest lecture at Maristella College Negambo 29/09/2005
- Monthly public lecture on 26/04/2006 in monthly lecture series conducted by the Department of Archaeology
- Archaeological Society Sri Lanka, monthly guest lecture National Museum Colombo, 09/11/2008
- Public lecture at Abayagiri Museum (2015 No 11 ) Topic : mßir ¥IKh yd fl!;=ld.dr( CIqø mßirh mqrdjia;=j,g isÿlrk ydksh
- Delivered lecture for ICOMOS – Sri Lanka public lecture series, Lecture topic: Sigiriya Katapath Pawure Sanrakshana Gatalu ( Conservation Problems of Sigiriya Mirror Wall)
- Participated for live TV program “Savanak Res” telecast on 13th January 2006
- Participated in Radio program “Urumayaka Waruna” broadcast on 26th February 2006 on New Cultural Phase “Postmesolithic”
- Participated in Radio program “Urumayaka Waruna” broadcast on 23rd April 2006 on Ancient Metal Technology
- The paper article “Attanagallen hamuvu asthi pabulu” in Rivira Sunday Sinhala newspaper on 04/01/2009
- Paper article “Gal ugayath yakada ugayath athara thavath ugayak” in Rivira Sunday Sinhala news paper on 11/01/2009
- Paper article “Piecing together an ancient tale” in Sunday Times newspaper on 18/01/2009
- Collaboration work with the national institute of Education (NIE)
- Compiled the chapter for the subject of Sinhala language and literature, grade 07 (new syllabus) 10 jk mßÉfPaoh - wmf.a merKs f,day ;dCIKfha hg.shdj
- 1996 - On the request of the CCF, Sigiriya project I developed a computer based information system “Arkeo data” for managing the special finds stored at the special finds stores of the Sigiriya project
- 1998 – I was one of the three members appointed by the Vice Chancellor, University of Kelaniya for make a proposal and initiate a GIS laboratory at the Geography department, University of Kelaniya
- 2001 – On the request of the Director, national Museums Department, I conducted a training program on use of computers in museums for the staff of the Ethnology section, Colombo National Museum.
- 2002- Appointed as a team member for the restructuring of prehistoric gallery of the National Museum
- 2005 – On the request of the Director-General, CCF, I conducted extensive research to identify the causes for deterioration bricks in the historical monuments at Polonnaruva
- 2006 - 2008 – On the request of the Director-General, Department of Archaeology, I worked as a consultant in the IT field for the Sri Lankan Mural Documentation Project conducted by the Department of Archaeology
- 2008 – I was a member of the technical evaluation committee appointed by the Director, National Museums Department for the purchase of audiovisual equipment to the Maritime Museum Galle
- 2008 – I was a technical committee member appointed by the Vice-Chancellor University of Ruhuna for purchasing equipment to the newly established Field Archaeology Laboratory at the Department of Archaeology and History, University of Ruhuna
- 2008 – I developed a computer-based information system for the use of a Mural Documentation project conducted by the Department of ArchaeologY
- 2010 – Appointed as a consultant to the proposed National Irrigation Museum at the Mahaweli Center by the Ministry of Irrigation
- 2010 – Appointed as a committee member for the expert committee for the investigation of deteriorations of the Sigiriya Murals appointed by the Ministry of the Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka
- 2011 – Appointed as a local expert member for the expert committee for the preservation and safeguard of the Sigiriya Murals by the World Heritage Center, Rome and the Ministry of National Heritage, Sri Lanka
- 2010- 2011 Appointed as an advisory council member for National Museum Department
- 2012 - Appointed as a committee member for the expert committee for the investigation of deteriorations of the Sigiriya Mirror wall by the Central Cultural Fund
- 2015 - Member of the research of avoiding the insect's disaster to library books, organized by National Library and Documentation Services Board Colombo (2015.10.26)
- 2015 - Member of the scholarly board of deterioration in Sigiriya Mirror Wall, Central Cultural Fund
- 2017 - Member of the scholarly board of conservation of Sigiriya Mirror Wall, Central Cultural Fund and participate in the observation tour and special meeting of deterioration in Sigiriya Mirror Wall with Mr Akila Viraj Kariyawasam (Minister of Culture and education), Prof. Prishanta Gunawardhana (Director, Central Cultural Fund) and other scholars
- 2017- 2020 As an Archaeological Director of the CCF project at Trincomalee, I am presently working on a project to make the Trincomalee Dutch fort a tourist hotspot.
- 2017 - 2020 Working as a Director Archaeology for the Excavation and Conservation project at the Wilgamviharaya, Seruwila conducted by CC
- Member, Committee of the establishment of a quaternary dating research centre and Luminescence and Radiocarbon dating lab, Central Cultural Fund
- Member, Technical Evaluation Committees, Central Cultural fund
- Member, Committee of Implementation of E-Ticketing system, Central Cultural Fund
- Member, Committee of Conservation of Paintings and Sculpture in Rangiri Dambulu Cave Temple, Central Cultural Fund
- Appointed as a specialist for re-organizing the Polonnaruwa Museum, Pollonnaruwa Project, Central Cultural fund
- Director, Identify the Trincomalee – Sri Padaya ancient pilgrimage route project, Central Cultural Fund
- Resource Person, conservation of Sigiriya Mirror Wall, Central Cultural Fund
- As an Archaeological Director of the CCF project at Trincomalee, I am presently working on a project to make the Trincomalee Dutch fort a tourist hotspot and conserve the ancient buildings
- Scientific Consultant, Planning Heritage Management Plan for Rangiri Dambulu Viharaya, Central Cultural Fund
- Member, Committee of Sigiriya Mobile App, Central Cultural Fund and ICTA
- Member, Committee of Implementation of E-Ticketing system, Central Cultural Fund and ICTA
- Member , Committee of the establishment of a quaternary dating research Centre and Luminescence and Radiocarbon dating lab, Central Cultural Fun
- 2018-Resource Person, Reorganizing the Painting Museum Dambulla
- 2018-Member, Committee of Conservation of Paintings and Sculpture in Rangiri Dambulu Cave Temple, Central Cultural Fun
- 2018-Member of Specialist Team, Consult for preparing documentation for consolidating the security of museum objects in Museums of Central Cultural Fund
- 2018- Resource Person, Preliminary studies on conducting seruvila Seru Lake conservation and Heritage Management Program, Collaboration Project with Ministry of Culture and Higher Education, Central Cultural Fund and PGIAR
- 2018 -Resource Person, arranging ancient Iron and Copper technology gallery, Newly Constructing National Ancient Technological Museum, Polonnaruwa, Department of National Museum
- 2020 - Resource person, Polonnaruwa Kirivehera conservation project