Dr. Dananjaya Padmapani Gamalath Senior Lecturer dananjaya.gamalath@ gmail.com
+94 70 210 1881
- BA Archaeology 1993 University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- PG Dip. Museology 1998 PGIAR, University of Kelaniya
- M.Phil Archaeology 2002 PGIAR, University of Kelaniya
- PhD Archaeology 2015 PGIAR, University of Kelaniya
Archaeology- Heritage Management; Historical Archaeology and Art and Architecture.
Research publications (full paper publish)
- Is the Jetawana Stupa was constructed on the Revaran Mahindas Cemetery (Adahana maluwa)(In Sinhala), Sirimal Ranavalla Felicitation Volume, 2011.
- Identification of Architectural model of the Lord Buddha's living abode (in Sinhala), Ancient Ceylon, 2015.
- Adishtana Patterns of the Buddha Image House Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa periods (In Sinhala), Ancient Ceylon 2016.
- Image Placement Pattern of the Buddha Image House Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruva periods (In Sinhala), the Journal of Archeological and Heritage Studies.
- Height of Jetavana Stupa, Roland Silva felicitation volume 2008, PGIAR Publication.
- The Architectural Idiom of Seethavake Barandi kovila, Padmanadan felicitation Volume, 2016.
- Evolution of the vernacular Architecture in Sri Lanka- The Society of South Asian Archaeology 3rd International Congress, Abstract, volume, no. 34; 21st August 2010;Ed. Visine; A. Manatunge.
- The Architectural model of the Ginjakavasata or Gedige Tradition in Sri Lanka, Ananda Kumaraswami Volume, University of Kelaniya, 2011.
- An article “ Ancient Technology of Jetavana Stupa Dome” in Sanskrutika puranaya, no.8. 1997.
- Ancient House floor at Uda ranchamadama- a proto Historic Site, Archaeology of Udavalawa basine, Raj Somadeva, PGIAR. Occational paper no. II, 2010. P.185.
- Historical overview of the Buddhist monasteries lies on the river banks named kiridi, Valawe, Manik in the Historical Rohana Kingdom in Sinhala; Amarabinandana;in Honour of Prof.A.D.M.Amarasekara;2019.
- Preserving Boundless Cultural Heritage, Ceylon Today, 2020.7.28.
- International peer review research article - An Evolution process on the Sri Lankan Buddha image house (from the 2nd Century AC up to 13th AC); Global Scientific Journal; Vol.8; 2020; www.globalscientificjournal.com
- 2020- International peer review research article- An Architectural Mode and Its Growth on the Buddha Image House Design in Sri Lanka (From the 2nd Century AC up to 13th AC); 2020; International Journal of science and research; Vol. 9; www.ijsr.net.
- 2021- Join paper- Dananjaya Gamalath and Nayomi Kekulawala, The Hindu- Buddhist religious and social reconciliation reflect from pre- Buddhist time to the 3rd century AC period in Sri Lanka, Nagananda International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume I, Issue I,NIIBS Publications, p.72-82.
- 2021-Full paper published - Global Scientific Journal; GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2021, Topic-A study of the god Upulvan and Vishnu, An analyze of the spiritual organization pattern within the space of Buddha image shrine in Sri Lanka, September 2021, p.1624-1659; ISSN2320-9186. www.globalscientificjournal.com.
- 2021-Join paper - The Journal of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Volume 6 Issue II May - August 2019, Dananjaya Gamalath, Nayomi Kekulawala,Topic- ‘The religious and architectural mixed bag of the image warship generated in Anuradhapura Mahavihara Sri Lanka’, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale, Sri Lanka. Publish year 2021; p.187-206.
- Paper presented on the Responsibilities of the museum keeper, at the National Museum Auditorium on 01st January 2003.
- Paper presented on the construction phases of Jethawana Stupa, conducted by Zimbabway- Norway-Sri Lanka corporation program under coordination program of CCF at the Habarana lodge in 2002.
- Paper presented and guided on Ancient paintings of Anuradhapura period, for the National Tourist guide lectures organized by the National Tourist Guide Lecturers Association Co- operation in Sri Lanka at Anuradhapura, 1998.
- Paper presented on the topic of Museums under the C.C.F., World heritage Conference in Bergun ,(2004), NORWAY.
- Gest lecture Intricate design and landscape architecture at theDepartment of Intricate Design, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka, 2015.
- Paper presented on Vernacular architecture in Sri Lanka at SOSAinternational Conference held at University of Kelaniya in 2010.
- Paper presented on ICOMOS Sri Lanka in 2017., under the title of Space organization in Sri Lankan Buddhist image houses with reference to Anuradhapura and Polonnaruva.
- Gest lecture on Ancient Civilization construction from very beginning up to 12th century, SAITAM university international conference, 2016.
- Gest Lecture on The Buddhist Architecture reviled from the Sanskrit Silpa Text, in the Department of Sanskrit Education of the University of Kelaniya, 23rd Aprial 2016.
- Deliver a lecture on the Orientation Program under the topic of Heritage Management in Sri Lanka at Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 25th August 2004.
- Paper presented Under the Topic of Responsibilities of the Museum Keeper and Museum exhibition on the conference of national Museum Department at the National Museum auditorium, 15th December 2004.
- attended the International Seminar on Early Buddhist Art : Gandhara and Beyond, conducted by Department of Archaeology in Sri Lanka and French Mission of Archaeological cooperation in Sri Lanka 14th – 16th September 1998.
- Attended the International seminar on Circulation of foreign coins in Sri Lanka and ancient sea routes in the Indian Ocean, conducted by Department of National Museum 8th -10th September 1994.
- Attended the UNESCO Sponsored meeting of Regional experts in Museology frosm the Asia- Pacific region, conducted by the PGIAR held at Palm Beach hotel Mt. Lavinia 6th December 2003.
- Delivered the Lecture on Technology which based on the Stupa constructions in Sri Lanka at the Polonnaruwa Museum Auditorium of the CCF 31st March 2011 conducted by CCF Polonnaruwa Project.
- Paper presented a research paper titled The Gedige or Ginjakavasata Mode of construction of Sri Lankan Buddha Image House at the Ananda Kumaraswamy memorial conference on Asian Art and Culture Organized by the SOCA, University of Kelaniya 8th -10th September 2012.
- Guest Lecture on Historical Architecture with Special Reference to the Monastic Religious Buildings in Sri Lanka, for Certificate Course in Architecture 16th July 2016 Conducted by the Department of Sanskrit in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities University of Kelaniya.
- Participation at the SAARC International Conference on Archaeology of Buddhism held on 22nd -24th August 2012, at Buddhist Cultural Center Colombo.
- Resource person of the DORAMADALAWA program telecast by ITN as at 9th May 2017.
- Ancient Construction methods of Jetavana Stupa., Stupa Forum held at PGIAR., March 2014.
- Strengthening synthesis for better understanding archaeology of Sri Lanka, Abstract, Prof. Senake Bandaranayake Commemorative Conference March2-3, 2019; PGIAR,Colombo,Sri Lanka.
- Key note on Central Cultural Fund; Architectural element in Pollonnaruwa period and Hindu tradition; 2019.7.25. at Pollonaruwa Museum.
- Professor Paranavitana commemorative award for the best research book in 2016.Given by the Godage company
- National literature award runners up in 2016 for the best research book given by the Ministry of Cultural affairs.
- Buddhist Literature award in 2017 for best Buddhist research book given by all Ceylon Buddhist Congress, Colombo.
- International service award received from the LIONS INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION USA in 2018
- Member of the Archaeological Council of Sri Lanka. Life Member of Royal Asiatic Society Ceylon Branch.
- Committee chair of the sites and monuments committee in the national trust organization.
- Committee member of the Eco Building Project conducted by the ministry of environment and Heritage studies.
- Member of the Brick constructional advisory board of the Sadahirusaya Stupa Project conducted by the Ministry of National security.
- Member of the National Namal Uyana Conservation Project Conducted by the CCF. Justice of peace (All Island)- RN 12/5/NC/AL/187 Sectary during the year of 2018 in the Lions Club of Padukka (306C - 2)
- Service after being promoted as a Senior Lecturer Gr.ii – 2013 to Update PGIAR.
- Work as Research Officer in 1994-1995 (Abhayagiriya Project)- CCF.
- Work as Research Officer (Grade I, Jetavana Project) from 1995-2008-CCF.
- Work as Officer in charge in Jethavana Museum in 1996- 2008-CCF
- Took part in the Archaeological exploration and field school organized by the PGIAR held from 20th September to 12th October 1994 at Yala National Park.
- Achieved the Staff Development course for probationary Lecturers University of Kelaniya 11th March 2011
- Participated in the 4th field Season of the Upper Malwathu Oya exploration Project-2007, 4th July 2nd August, University of Kelaniya- Durham University in collaboration with University of Bradford, University of Stirling and University of Leicester.
- Took part and successfully completed a course in conservation of Archaeological monuments (Practical) at Abayagiriya Site, from 1st December 1992 to 20th March 1993
- Took part in the Archaeological Exploration of Anuradhapura ancient citadel, conducted by the Archaeological Department and the University of Peradeniya under the guidance if eminent British Archaeologist Dr. Robin Cunningham in 1998.
- Director Archaeology CCF (Ampara and Batticaloa division)
- Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Humanities, Faculty of Social Science, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale (2000-2009).
- Visiting Lecturer in the Faculty of Management, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale(2003-2007, 2010-2015).the Subject of Indigenous Management,(English Medium).
- Introduced the new certificate course in Historical Architecture, art and sculpture in PGIAR – 2016 and worked as a course coordinator of that certificate course
- Work as the first examiner, Bsc Special Degree program (MGT 2112.1) Indigenous Management of the Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2009, 2013,2014,2015,2016.
- Prepared the Detailed Syllabi for the BSc Special Degree 1st year Common program in Faculty of Management studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka., Period 2003-2007 Subject, BEC 1182 Our Heritage and indigenous Management.
- Delivered the two lecturers under the topic of Inscriptions of Sri Lanka and Ancient Paintings in the Training program for National Tourist Guide lecturers 19th June 2001 at Sirimavo Bandaranayake Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management.
- Visiting lecturer for the certificate course in Archaeology of the PGIAR 1st November 2015- 31st May 2016 subject of Ancient Architecture in Sri Lanka.
- Worked as a resource person for syllabi revision of Our Heritage and Indigenous Management Subject in the Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, which held at Camelot Beach Hotel Negambo 14th September 2007
- Work as a resource person for Syllabus (curriculum) review work shop, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 29th July 2010 at Hector Kobbakaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute Colombo.
- The introduction of new course materials that use in the course of Historical architecture in South and Southeastern Asia (51033) of postgraduate diploma in Archaeology and architectural technology in Couse of MSc/MA in Archaeology.
- Teaching in the several certificate courses conducted by the PGIAR.
- Member of the Panel Judge of the National Handicraft Competition of the Nationa Craft Council under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce-2016.
- Member of the Technical evaluation Committee of PGIAR for the year 2017
- Member of the PGIAR library Committee.
- Appoint as a thematic electives Tutor of the PGIAR.
- Visiting Lecturer for the Diploma in Paleobiodiversity of PGIAR 3rd February 2012- 3rd February 2013.
- Course coordinator for the Post Graduate Diploma in Heritage Studies, PGIAR, Year 2010 –Update.
- Member of the Research Planning Committee of PGIAR, 2010.
- Post of Course Coordinator Master of Science in Archaeology from 2019 August; PGIAR; in Kelaniya University.