Operational Guidelines for COVID – 19 Prevention

1. Introduction

This guideline is prepared in line with objective of the “Preparedness Plan and Implementation Guidelines” set by UGC, which describes a strategy to prepare all state universities in Sri Lanka to initiate academic and research activities while living with the pandemic of COVID-19. The UGC expects all state universities to comply with guidelines set by the Ministry of Health. Therefore, this document was prepared as a guidance for all academic and non-academic staff members, and students in the University of Kelaniya, on preventive measures that should be adopted in the university to prevent transmission of COVID-19,whileco-existing with thepandemic. To achieve the objective, all staff and students are expected to comply with the guidelines as responsible citizens. Since the epidemiology and the knowledge of COVID-19 pandemic is evolving, this guideline will be to be updated with available new evidence. COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus, is responsible for the current pandemic. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 cough, sneezes or exhales. The disease is also thought to spread from contaminated fomites and surfaces. Some persons are prone to severe disease. These include
  • persons with reduced immunity,
  • persons suffering from conditions such as diabetes, heart, liver and lung disease,
  • persons who are over 65 years, and
  • pregnant women
Staff members/ students who are in any one of the above categories should be infrequently
called for duties/ studies only if their attendance is essential.
1. Objective:To modify work practices and the work environment to prevent transmission of COVID -19 in the University of Kelaniya.

1. Preparedness Plan and Implementation Guidelines for Universities on the Exit
Strategy for Covid-19 Epidemic in Sri Lanka: Prepared by University Grants
2. Operational Guidelines on Preparedness and Response for Covid-19 Outbreak for
Work Settings: Prepared by Directorate of Environmental Health, Occupational
Health and Food safety, Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medical Services
3. Guidance for workplace preparedness for COVID-19: Prepared by Epidemiology Unit Ministry of Health & Indigenous Medical Services
4. Interim guidelines for Sri Lanka Primary care Physicians
5. Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists: Use of Decontamination chambers: Available
at: http://slmicrobiology.lk/use-of-decontamination-chambers-and-spraying-of-
6. Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists: Observations of using UVC air purifiers:
Available at: http://slmicrobiology.lk/use-of-uvc-air-purifiers/

Prepared by:

Dr. Nadisha Badanasinghe
Senior Lecturer
Department of Medical Microbiology
University of Kelaniya

Dr. Chintaka Ratnayake
Chief Medical Officer
University of Kelaniya

Prof. Anuradhani Kasturiratne
Department of Public Health
University of Kelaniya

Reviewed by:

Prof. N.P. Sunil-Chandra
Senior Professor & Chair
Department of Medical Microbiology
University of Kelaniya

Dr. Lakmini Wijesooriya
Senior Lecturer
Department of Medical Microbiology
University of Kelaniya
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