University of Kelaniya, one of the leading universities in Sri Lanka, is capable of demonstrating the principle of sustainability both in theory and in practice through understanding unsustainable practices and thereby taking actions to reduce impacts of their own activities to the economy, society and the environment. This emphasizes the need for a university policy on the environment; a policy that will bind all individuals in the institution to exercise due care to avoid negative environmental impacts. The University Environmental Policy emphasizes that caring for the Environment is the bounden duty of any individual in the university premises that uses, or otherwise carries out an activity that has an impact on the resources of the environment.


Policy Statements
» The university conducts its activities ensuring the compliance with relevant environmental legislation, regulations existing in the country.
» The institutional framework for sound environmental management is strengthened by the university through capacity-building, legislative instruments and improved inter-institutional coordination and linkages.
» The university environment and environmental impacts of institution’s activities are managed through pre-defined Environmental Management System continuously updated and maintained.
» Environmental impacts of institution’s activities are continuously assessed and reported through appropriate institutionalized monitoring framework based on a comprehensive set of indicators and make necessary improvements.
» The framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets is provided by the University.
» University environmental policy is accessible by the public and every stakeholder should clearly understand the institution’s environmental policy, his/her obligations under this policy and abides with the contents of the Environmental Management System.
» The economic value of environmental services are recognized so as to assure the sustainability of such services for the benefit of the university.
1. Reduce wastes generation by promoting efficient use, reuse and recycle (3R)
2. Implement composting process for organic wastes
3. Collect metals, glasses, plastic/polythene, and paper and establish a mechanism to dispose them through registered recyclers in a regular manner
4. Facilitate proper disposal of electronic wastes by creating a continuous disposal channel to responsible recyclers
5. Establish standardized chemical waste collection and storage from the laboratories and transported them to registered companies.
6. Introduce autoclaving method for the disposal of bio-hazardous waste
7. Promote sustainable construction principles in new builds and refurbishments and practice green building principles in new constructions.
8. Reducing negative impacts on climate change through the implementation of various projects including a Carbon Management Plan.
9. Minimize environmental impacts through environmental friendly procurement plans.
10. Preventing pollution by managing and reducing emissions to air and discharges to water.
11. Introduce rainwater harvesting
12. Promote waste water collection, treatment and reuse for gardening pruposes
13. Promote efficient use of energy
14. Managing the University to create and enhance wildlife habitats through the formulation and implementation of a Biodiversity Action Plan.
15. Promote respectful behavior towards the environment among the university community and in the society by using Environmental education as a primordial tool.
.Environmental accountability: The principle that we are each accountable for accountability any actions on our part that affect the environment, and acknowledges our accountability to society
Biodiversity: The total variety and variability of all living things, including their genetic constituents, interrelationships and habitats; and the ecosystems and landscapes of which they are part
Conservation: The wise use and management of nature and natural resources for their inherent value and for the benefit of society, bearing in mind that future generations have as much right to these resources as our own
Protection : As opposed to conservation) the prevention of harm, usually by passive means, without intervention and active management
Ecosystem: A complex of living communities of organisms and their non-living environment interacting as an entity of its own.
Environment: The ecosystem of which we are part
Invasive species: Species not indigenous to a given ecosystem, but which invade it, usually as a result of introduction from abroad (e.g. the wide spread tilapia fish, which was introduced from Africa in the 1950s). Indigenous species too, can invade ecosystems that are damaged or under stress.
Environmental Integrity: The wholeness of our environment, without any aspect of it being damaged.
Sustainable development: National development that meets the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability to meet those of future generations, which have as much right to nature and natural resources as we do.
Life cycle principle: Designing, producing and using goods and services so as to minimize negative impacts on people and ecosystems, whether in the short or long term
Cleaner Production: The continuous application of an integrated preventive strategy to processes, products and services so as to increase efficiency and reduce risks to people and the environment.