Most tolerant roadside tree species for urban settings in humid tropics based on Air Pollution Tolerance Index



Selecting most tolerant roadside trees in different urban environmental settings help to mitigate air pollution by serving as a sink for gaseous air pollutants and be tolerant for polluted environments. When look into the ability of rad side trees to tolerate air pollution, performance varied as Madhuca longifolia (Butter tree) > Peltophorum pterocarpum (Yellow flame tree) > Terminalia catappa (Indian almond) > Cassia fistula (Golden shower tree) > Pongamia pinnata (Indian beech). Four biochemical parameters; pH, ascorbic acid content, relative water content and total chlorophyll content on leaves were tested at Beddagana wet land park and Panchikawatta, Pettah and Maradana area in Colombo Municipal Council which varying air pollution levels with regards to SO 2 , NO 2 and PM 2.5 levels in ambient air.  


W.A.R.T.W. Bandara and C.T.M. Dissanayake

Urban Climate

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