Significance of Evaluating Immature Germ Cells during Semen Analysis

The clinical significance of evaluating non-sperm cells, which include spermatogenic and non-spermatogenic cells, commonly known as "round cells" is not well established. This study aimed to assess the clinical significance of distinct identification of immature germ cells (IGCs) in semen, and their relationship with semen parameters and chromosome maturity of sperm. The results indicated that elevated IGCs would be a good indicator for detecting disturbed testicular microenvironment. It is better to go into more detailed diagnoses if the rate of IGCs exceeds 15% of sperm in semen. As the high count of IGCs coincide with sperm chromatin immaturity, taking precautions to exclude immature cells in samples with high immature germ cells count would be useful in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) procedures, especially in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).



D.M. Anura Dissanayake

International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine

Abstract :-
