Characterization of bioactive actinomycetes isolated from Kadolkele mangrove sediments, Sri Lanka

This study was conducted to isolate actinomycetes with bioactive potentials from surface sediments collected from 'Kadolkele' mangrove ecosystem located in the Negombo lagoon area, Sri Lanka. The isolated actinomycetes were further identified based on the morphological and molecular biological characterization techniques. Antibacterial activity of isolates against four selected bacterial pathogens and the ability of isolates to produce extracellular enzymes: cellulase, amylase, protease and lipase were evaluated. Further, the crude yellow pigment of one of the isolates was extracted and used to dye commercially available fabrics. The dyed facbrics retained the yellow color after acid, alkaline, and cold- water treatments suggesting the potential of isolates to be used in future biotechnological applications.  


Kishani N. Naligama, Kavindi E. Weerasinghe, Anupama P. Halmillawewa

   Polish Journal of Microbiology

Abstract :-
