E-waste collection programme

An electronic waste collection was held on the 24th of March 2021 at three locations. It was organized by Centre for Sustainability Solutions, University of Kelaniya.

Objective of this approach is to strengthen university community for sustainable development. They were asked to bring their household electronic and electric waste to discard them responsibly.

Waste collection point for Dalugama was the University of Kelaniya. It was guided by Senior Lecturer Dr. Jehan Seneviratne, Department of Physics and Electronics, Faculty of Science. Waste collection point for Peliyagoda was the Faculty of Computing and Technology. It was guided by Senior Lecturer Dr. Chanaka Udayanga, Department of Applied Computing, Faculty of Computing and Technology. Waste collection point for Ragama was the Faculty of Medicine. It was guided by Prof. Nirmala Perera, Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine.

Collected waste was handed over to a registered recycler to make sure they were disposed in correct manner. According to Senior Lecturer Dr. Rangika Bandara, Director- Centre for Sustainability Solutions next step in this movement will be office e-waste.Collection of e-waste from the university community and handling over the collected e-waste to a registered e-waste recycler.

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හරිත පියමන් හරිත දිනය, the inaugural workshop on biodiversity, green practices and waste management organized by the Students’ Green Society of Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya was successfully concluded on 13th March 2020 at the Faculty premises.

The initiative was brought to life in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainability Solutions of University of Kelaniya and Green Practices committee of Faculty of Medicine with the objective of popularizing the concepts of sustainability and green practices among medical students.

The workshop line up comprised of several guest lectures and interactive sessions and an award ceremony for the previously held creative arts competition.

Professor U. P. K. Epa, the chief guest for the event, delivered an eye-opening lecture on sustainability. Mr. Nayanaka Ranwella, environmentalist and well-known journalist shared several heart touching experiences on environmental conservation in Sri Lanka. Mr Mendis Wickramasinghe, well-known herpetologist and founder of Herpetology Association of Sri Lanka engaged the audience in an interactive session on snakes.

The competitions were held in the categories of art, poetry, prose, photography and the best green project. The event which brought an evening of knowledge and fun concluded with winners being awarded certificates and gifts.

The society acknowledges the graceful presence of Prof. N.K. Gunawardena, Dr Wasanthi Subasinghe, Dr Lanka Ranaweera, Ms Bandini Jayasena and the honoured invited guests together with the encouraging participation of the contestants and the audience which made an immense impact.



Sustainability Leadership Training Program for Youth: Certificate course -2020 (5th Cycle)

Sustainability Leadership Training Program for Youth: Certificate course - 2020 (5th Cycle) Offered by the Centre for Sustainability Solutions

Target group: Undergraduates of University of KelaniyaProgram objectives:

The objectives of the program are,

  1. to enhance the knowledge and understanding of sustainable development strategies and their local and global applications, and

  2. to develop attitudes of undergraduates to volunteer in applying their knowledge and skills in achieving sustainable development goals


Expected outcome: Build a strong, enthusiastic group of undergraduates passionate about the environment and be the initiatives and leaders of sustainability.


Course content: Program consists of ten modules and a group project (Please see Appendix 1) Lectures and in-class activities: No. of hours: 20 hrs (2 hrs *10 modules)
Project: No. of hours: 20 hrs

Eligibility criteria:

  • Individuals should be registered undergraduates of any of the Faculties of the University of Kelaniya

  • All the nine modules should be completed to be eligible for the certificate

  • Environmental friendly product development or any other environmental related project under the supervision of a selected resource person is compulsory to complete the course.


Course Structure

  • Module 1:   Human Society, environmental Issues and Sustainable Development
  • Module 2:   Sustainable Living and Green Fashion: Role of the youth
  • Module 3:   Non-conventional energy vs Conventional energy
  • Module 4:   Energy Management
  • Module 5:   Waste as a Resource: Solid Waste Management
  • Module 6:   Environmental pollution and human Health
  • Module 7:   Water Management: Do we have an adequate supply of drinking water??
  • Module 8:   Smart cities
  • Module 9:   Sustainable production and consumption
  • Module 10:  Environmental Sustainability Leadership

Group Project:

The maximum allowable number of students per group is 15. Students will be assigned into groups in the third module, and thereafter they can work for their group projects. Those who cannot complete the group project are not eligible for the Sustainability Leadership Certificate for Youth.



Inauguration ceremony of "Vidulakara Siyane Haritha Sangramaya"

Inauguration ceremony of "Vidulakara Siyane Haritha Sangramaya" was held on 01st of January, 2020 at the open space in Mee Amba Sewana, University of Kelaniya. It is a hundred thousand tree planting project within Gampaha District organized by Centre for Sustainability Solutions, University of Kelaniya.

Prof. D. M. Semasinghe, Vice-Chancellor- University of Kelaniya, Senior Prof. Lakshman Senevirathna, Deputy Vice-Chancellor- University of Kelaniya, Prof. Patrick Rathnayaka, Dean- Faculty of Humanities, Prof. B.M. Jayawardhene, Dean-Faculty of Science, Prof. M.M. Gunathilake, Dean- Faculty of Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer Ven. Dr. Kapugollawe Anandakiththi Thero, Chief Student Counsellor, Senior Lecture Dr. Rangika Bandara, Director- Centre for Sustainable Solutions, academic staff members, Dr, Nalaka Godahewa, Founder- Siyane Kathikawa Organization & undergraduates graced the event.


Centre for Sustainability Solutions
University of Kelaniya,
Kelaniya 11600,
Sri Lanka

+94 (112) 903 903



