Revisiting Forest Certification in Sri Lanka: The Forest Management and Export Wood-Based Manufacturing Sector Perspectives


Forest certification found to be helpful for companies to access new markets, keep market share, and sell products in existing markets. In this study, 50 forest-based companies in Sri Lanka (43 wood-based manufacturers and 7 plantation companies) to ascertain their participation in forest certification, current and future forest certification trends, as well as their satisfaction with the performance of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification in its economic, environmental, and social aspects. Study findings revealed that the FSC certification has substantially improved company images by positioning certified companies as socially responsible businesses, while helping to create better business stakeholder relationships. 


P. Perera, R.L. Rupasinghe, D.Weerasekera, R.Vlosky and W.A.R.T.W. Bandara


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