Annual Data Collection | 2024

Data and Information of Units and Centers

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Patents and Science & Technology Output

Patents of the University - TISC and UBLCell
Details of patents include a list of patents received and files by the University. It should furhter include whether the patent is international and local and whether  the patent is commercialised ot not. Responsible data providers are UBLCell and TISC
Science & Technology Output of the University - TISC and UBLCell

Knowledge Dissemination Programs and Awards

Knowledge Dissemination Programs
Knowledge dissemination programs inlcude information of the events organized and delivered to the general public by the University. Programs and events can be workshops, exihibitions, trainig programs, news paper articles, radio or tv programs. Or you can add programs and events other than the mentioned categories under 'other' category.
Awards Received by the University
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