The 10th Consortium Assembly of the Erasmus+ TOOLKIT Project held online

The 10th Consortium Assembly of the Erasmus+ TOOLKIT Project held online

The 10th Consortium Assembly of the Erasmus+ TOOLKIT Project was held online on 28th June 2022 with the participation of the Project Team from University of Bologna, the coordinating university, teams from Uppsala University, Sweden and Vilnius University Lithuania as European partners of the project. The Asian partner teams from Laos, Myanmar and Sri Lanka attended the session. The University of Kelaniya was represented by Senior Professor Neelakshi C. Premawardhena, Director, Centre for International Affairs, Professor Osantha N. Thalpawila, Ms. Hirindu Kawshala, Ms. Sandesha Perera and Ms. Sashini Chandrasekara.

The focus was on the completed Project Design and Management Guide and the remaining activities related to work packages 5 and 6 on promoting  engagement in International Relations and TOOLKIT exploitation respectively. Professor NeelakshiC. Premawardhena presented the events planned for University of Kelaniya under work package 5. A “Roundtable Conference on Internationalisation” for academic and administrative staff and the “University of Kelaniya Student Conference on Internationalisation” are the two events to be held in July 2022 related to work package 5.


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