University of Kelaniya Student Conference on Internationalisation

University of Kelaniya Student Conference on Internationalisation

The "University of Kelaniya Student Conference on Internationalisation" organised by the Centre for International Affairs was conducted on 24th August 2022 as a webinar which was attended by more than 450 participants. The event was held under Work Package 5 of the Erasmus+ TOOLKIT Project to disseminate knowledge about opportunities for internationalisation at the university. The event reflect upon a journey of one decade of Erasmus partnerships, other international collaboration, and  shared the experience of Erasmus Alumni and opportunities available for students to gain international exposure.   

The Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor NIlanthi de Silva addressed the students on "Internationalisation and Opportunities for Students". The Director, Centre for International Affairs presented an overview of Erasmus projects, international activities and opportunities available for students of University of Kelaniya. Erasmus Alumni on previous student mobility and students who took part in numerous international activities shared their experiences with the audience.

Mobility Experience and Internationalisation presented by University of Kelaniya Erasmus Alumni

Punsisi Liyanage, BA in French Honours, Department of Modern Languages

Indunil Ranwella, Lecturer, Department of Geography

Kotiyagala Dhammarathana Thero, Indima Rajapaksa, Piyumi Karunarathna, Sachini Angelo, Department of Modern Languages 

Malsha Gunathilaka, Department of Political Science & Sudesha Nilakshi, Department of Economics


International Alumni of the Government of Sri Lanka Presidential Scholarship for Foreign Students

Judith Namara, Uganda, BA Hons in Library Science

Zaheer Anwar, Pakistan, BSc Hons in Software Engineering

Ahmad Febri Falahuddin, Indonesia, BA, Faculty of Humanities

shared their experiences at the University of Kelaniya and how the knowledge, skills and intercultural competency gained during their stay in Sri Lanka contributed to enhancing their career prospects and positively influenced personal life.


At the end of the mobility experience sharing videos compiled by the Director, Centre for International Affairs and University of Siegen alumni containing international activities in the recent past were presented to the audience.



Contact Us

The Centre offers a variety of services and support to further enhance international relations with overseas universities, students, academics, provides information and support to overseas students with an interest to study at University of Kelaniya.
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 0900 – 1600 hrs or by appointment
