About the Centre for Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance Centre of the University of Kelaniya was established under the Quality Assurance Centre By-Law No 1 of 2015, as the successor of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit, which was first established in the University in 2005. The goal of the CQA, which was also the goal of its predecessor the IQAU, is to create a culture that seeks to continually improve the quality of all academic activities in the University of Kelaniya. UGC Circular 2019/09 recommended to rename the centre as Centre for Quality Assurance, CQA, in order to better reflect its University - wide remit.
The CQA is headed by a Director, who is guided by the Senate Standing Committee on Quality Assurance SSC - QA. The Senate Standing Committee is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor of the University, and is constituted as per the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission in this regard. The Deputy Registrar/ Academic functions as the Secretary to the Committee. The Committee meets regularly on the third Monday of each month, at 10.00 am, in the University Senate Room.
Faculty level quality assurance activities are managed by the Faculty Quality Assurance Cells, which were established as per the QA By-Laws.
The goal of the CQA shall be to create a culture that seeks to continually improve the quality of all academic activities in the University of Kelaniya.
The objectives of the CQA shall be as follows:
- To promote quality enhancement activities within the university.
- To liaise with the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council and the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka in facilitating the conduct of external reviews in the university.
- To assist the Vice-Chancellor in preparation of the self-evaluation report for institutional reviews.
- To guide faculties and departments in the university in preparation of self-evaluation reports for programme and subject reviews.
- To facilitate implementation of follow-up actions recommended in subject, programme or institutional review reports, and monitor progress in their implementation.
- To liaise with quality assurance units in other higher educational institutions, to share good practices and enhance the quality of higher education in Sri Lanka.