The Freemover Programme for International Students on Study Abroad Semester

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University of Kelaniya welcomes international students on their Study Abroad Semester at a selected Faculty or Department/s. Selected course units are eligible for credit transfer.

Please contact the Centre for International Affairs for further details and application package.

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Students from University of Kelaniya who study at foreign universities on scholarships or exchange
programmes are eligible to apply for recognition of their examination results obtained at respective
overseas Higher Education Institute.

The hard copies of the application forms are available at the Academic Branch and the results obtained
need to be certified by the overseas university. Duly filled application forms and supporting documents
should be handed over to the relevant Head of Department.

Undergraduate students from overseas who wish to complete their studies at University of Kelaniya
need to apply through the Ministry of Higher Education seeking admission. Application
form and further details are available here

Credit transfer and recognition of grades obtained overseas is possible after evaluation by the specially
appointed committee of the university.

Download Application


Credit Value

 According to Sri Lankan Qualification Framework (SLQF), three year Bachelor Degree is awarded after completion of a minimum of 90 credits. A four year Honours Degree has to have a minimum of 120 credits.

The Carnegie Credit Definition is practiced at universities in Sri Lanka. A Bachelor Degree student has to complete 30 credits within each academic year. This amounts to 1500 notional hours per academic year. 

According to Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework 1 Credit equals the following:

 1 credit = 15 lecture hours + 35 hours of independent study = 50 notional learning hours.

Thus, 1 Credit = 50 notional learning hours. 

In the case of European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), 1 credit in Sri Lanka equals 2 in ECTS.


Grading System

Marks obtained in respect of a course unit will be graded according to the following grading system.

A grade point value as indicated below is assigned to each grade.


Grading Scheme

Range of Marks


Grade Point Value













A Plus


A Minus

B Plus


B Minus

C Plus


C Minus

D Plus
















Assessment Procedure

Student performance during a course unit is generally assessed through assignments, reports, presentations, continuous assessments and end of course examinations. The method of assessment is indicated in the relevant syllabus.


Volume of learning

The volume of learning at each level is described in terms of credits.


According to Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF) 1 Credit equals 50 notional learning hours.

 In the case of European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), 1 credit in Sri Lanka equals 2 in ECTS.

 · In the SLQF credit system, the student workload of a study programme is defined as 1500 notional learning hours per academic year.

· The notional learning hours include direct contact hours with teachers and trainers, time spent in self-learning, preparation for assignments, carrying out assignments and assessments. The need to undertake any or all of these will be considered when a credit is being allocated to a course unit or a module, when the syllabus is designed. It is understood that the combination of learning activities may vary from one course unit or module to another.

· The minimum number of credits per course unit or module is 1.

· One credit is considered equivalent to 50 notional learning hours for a taught course, laboratory studies course or field studies/clinical work. In case of industrial training, including time allocated for assessments and in case of research, including time allocated for literature survey, one credit is considered equivalent to a minimum of 100 notional hours.



Source: Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) 2015, University Grant Commission of Sri Lanka


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The International Student Affairs Division provides information and assistance to undergraduate and graduate students and visiting scholars on study programmes, accommodation, immigration procedure and offer orientation programmes and coordinates the Government of Sri Lanka Presidential Scholarships for Foreign Students with the Ministry of Higher Education It is envisaged to enhance the academic, cultural, and social pursuits of overseas students and scholars through knowledge, advice and expertise in recruitment, admissions and cross-cultural programming. Promotion of scholarship/training opportunities through the university website, providing assistance to outgoing mobility of selected students, academic and administrative staff from the university under different grant schemes including Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarships also comes under the purview of  this division.

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The International Cooperation Division aims to establish collaboration with international partners, identify further research funding sources, partner proposals of joint projects with European and Asian universities (e.g.: Erasmus Projects), process applications and awards, promote academic collaboration and exchange programmes with overseas universities, disseminate the knowledge of grant opportunities and provide the staff and students with support to apply for scholarship and outgoing mobility grants, provide research facilitation and promotion, technology transfer and fellowships for internationally recognised researchers of overseas  universities to conduct joint research at University of Kelaniya with research output leading to international publications, promote graduate studies and other international initiatives.

The International Cooperation Division will also promote research and international activities, facilitate visitor protocols, monitor and provide information on the University's current activities in relevant areas, identify and publicise funding opportunities, offer advice and assistance to faculty in the preparation and submission of proposals, maintain active liaison with award agencies, sponsors, research and international education organisation, and international offices at other universities. Initially the recruitment of prospective students and promotion of certificate, diploma and postgraduate courses will also be handled by this division.

Contact Us

The Centre offers a variety of services and support to further enhance international relations with overseas universities, students, academics, provides information and support to overseas students with an interest to study at University of Kelaniya.
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 0900 – 1600 hrs or by appointment
