The Board Meeting of the Confucius Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka was successfully held on 13th January 2022


The Board Meeting of the Confucius Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, was successfully held on 13th January 2022 in the K14 Faculty Board Room at 2.00 pm. It was held via the Zoom platform.  

On the Sri Lankan side, Senior Prof. Nilanthi De Silva, Vice-Chancellor of University of Kelaniya, Dr. Sudath Senarath, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Dilrukshi Rathnayake, Head of the Department of Modern Languages and Dr. Jani Samarakoon, Co-Director of the Confucius Institute at the UOK participated in the meeting.  On the Chinese side, Senior Prof. Meng Dongfang, President of Chongqing Normal University, Prof. Zhang Lihui, Director of the Management Office of Confucius Institute, CNU, Mr. Zha Zhi, Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, CNU and Associate Professor Wang Jun, Co-Director of the Confucius Institute at the UOK attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Dr. Jani Samarakoon and Associate Professor Wang Jun reported to the Council about the 2021 work summary, 2021 financial affairs and work plan in 2022.

In his speech, Senior Prof. Meng Dongfang stated that Chongqing Normal University will continue to support Confucius Institute at UOK in its Chinese language teaching and cultural exchange activities, hoping that with improved Chinese language proficiency, students can have greater job opportunities in Chinese enterprises in Sri Lanka.

In her keynote address, Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, expressed her sincere appreciation of the great contribution made by Confucius Institute at the UOK over the past 10 years in facilitating cultural and educational exchanges between China and Sri Lanka. She hopes that we will be able to put the pandemic behind us this year, and work towards stronger and closer cooperation between the two universities.


The Vice-Chancellor also extended a cordial invitation to all to visit Sri Lanka after the Covid 19 epidemic.   



