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You may wonder why is self or personal branding vital for university students? How do you become a unique brand in the university? As we know students have potential opportunities to become a brand among thousands of students. In the global competitive world, everywhere we can see numerous brands. T.shirts, water bottles, phones, laptops, pens, foods, bags, vehicles, banking, transport, etc.. likewise it will be products or services. At present branding is a compulsory marketing element for a company, institute or a person. It’s the process of creating and disseminating the product, service or a concept’s brand name. The brand represents unique qualities, services and personality. 

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Time isn’t the main thing, It is the only thing. 

  •  Miles Davis


Do you still think that you have enough time to succeed in your life? Think about your age first. How old are you now? 23, 24, or maybe 26! As an undergraduate, you will spend four years in the university. 4 years means you have 1460 days, 51158400 hours, 3069504000 minutes, and 368340480000 seconds in your hands. It absolutely is a long time. Thus, do you think you are utilizing this time effectively for your studies and future success? 

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Going off to university is a milestone of a person's life journey. University life is filled with joy, unlimited freedom, social circles and different kinds of experience. Every student in Sri Lanka has a dream to become a good person to society. To become a well educated, smart professional is hard because it needs education, dedication and time. Young age of students will never come again when it passes. In this age many students do mistakens to solve their problems. Drug addiction is a good example.  According to the survey of social researchers 2.7% (95% CI: 1.7- 4.2) of students currently use addictive drugs in Sri Lanka. 

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Education is a very familiar word in our day-to-day life. Nelson Mandela defines education as the “most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world”.  Why is education the most powerful weapon? Because education is something that no one can ever take away from you. The modern, globalized, and industrialized world is running on the wheels of education because it provides knowledge.  An educated person better understands their own and others’ purpose and rights in society. Knowledge guides society to bring equal opportunity, rights, and treatment. It provides an updated society with new creations and innovations. As per 2022 reports, World’s best-educated populations are living in America, Canada, Germany, and the UK. Countries with the Lowest-Ranked Educational Systems are Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and the Central Republic of Africa. Sri Lanka ranked 71. Currently, Sri Lanka is facing its worst economic crisis. It highly impacts Sri Lankan education negatively.

Due to this economic crisis, many educated professionals are migrating ultimately creating a brain drain issue in Sri Lanka. Many scholars, educationalists, doctors, engineers, and well-experienced professionals migrate with their families. It impacts on the entire growth of the economy and education in Sri Lanka. For example, university professors, lecturers, and graduates are trying to migrate in the current situation. When this happens, the public loses educated expertise in the education industry in Sri Lanka. It badly affects primary, secondary, and tertiary education. On the other hand, the government reduces allocating money for education. Even university students and school children have no proper guide for their future careers, no proper teachers to get support, and no scholarships, or student aids for their studying. Parents have no money to provide sufficient education for their children. They demotivate as they have no economic strength to spend on education.

When education is the most powerful weapon for changing the future, every citizen has an equal right to get quality education. The well-being of society depends on the quality of education and it’s the backbone of every nation. 

However, in Sri Lanka, the government education sector is facing many obstacles and private sector education is raising its course fees. Students have dreams to achieve quality education although they have no money and enough facilities. As a result, they choose a job without completing higher education. Therefore every student who is studying in school, tertiary, and university should understand the value of free education that they experience at the moment. They have the responsibility to study hard and bring new knowledge to rebuild Sri Lanka.



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How is your life? Is it full of happiness or boring, or just going with nothing new? Our lives do not always go at the same pace; ups and downs are typical. With all these things happening around do you think you need to change your daily routine?  If you need to refresh your life, think differently and focus on your favourite hobbies. A hobby is an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. There are so many hobbies that can guide your path. It will be sports, announcing, arts, music, hiking, travelling, photography, videography, reading books, writing, blogging etc. That is why William Osler said, “No man is really happy or safe without a hobby”. 

10 octobre 2023
3 août 2023
6 juin 2023
6 juin 2023
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