A mother to all.
- කතා
- Affichages : 1838

All the humans in this world, deserve love, care and affection. But due to some cultural and social frames, human lives are limited. But there are humans that opened their hearts beyond these frames and proved it costs nothing to be kind and love, care is free. Mother Teresa is a golden woman who poured her all soulful love to the benefit of the human community. I am a Buddhist but in my eyes, Mother Teresa is a goddess that is full of love.
"A life not lived for others is not a life"
- Mother Teresa
Mother Theresa sacrificed her time, and life to serve the people who are in need. Mother Teresa was born in Macedonia on 1910, August 16. At the age of 12, she became a nun. Later on, she went to India, where she officially became a nun and decided to serve the poor. She opened a school for the poor children of slums in Calcutta even though she doesn't have much money to do so. But later on, the volunteers joined her in that purpose.

And she opened helping ways to the aged, blind, disabled, the leper, the naked, homeless, sick, crippled and the people who looked like a burden to society and were shunned by society. She even did medical treatments for people who were dying from tuberculosis, HIV and aids. During World War Two, she faced many challenges to help the people because there were many humans who suffered a lot. So she collected public and government donations and continued her service. And in India, after the Indian independence, people went through an economic crisis. So she started refugee camps for refugee children.

And the lovely thing about her is, she started a missionary service called “The missionaries of charity “to look after the unloved. This missionary service was spread throughout the world, helping the poor and people who were down by natural disasters. The mother of mother Teresa was also so kind that she taught her kids to "My child, never eat a single mouthful unless you are sharing it with others". But her father died when she was young. And it was said that she was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence act. She was totally against abortion and contraception because she believed killing a baby in a womb is similar to killing a whole human. Both are disgusting for humanity. In 1979, she won the Nobel prize for humanitarian work and also she won other multiple awards. She passed away in 1997 keeping an immortal name in the world as a great humanitarian.
Anjali Chamodi