Entrepreneur Mentorship Programme

‘Creating connections from campus to community.’
The CGU entrepreneur mentorship programme aims to forge meaningful relationships between university students and professionals to share experiences and insight.
It is an ideal opportunity for mentees who wish to become entrepreneurs, students who are already engaged in small businesses to engage with professionals in the industry to transfer and receice life lessons and guidance.

Why should you take part in the entrepreneur mentorship programme?


Experts/mentors can

  • share their own valuable experiences
  • help gain new insights into your desired careers/businesses
  • improve networking opportunities
  • introduce you to professional contacts
  • develop entrepreneur skills
  • develop PR skills
  • enhance social medial skills
  • introduce you to innovative marketing strategies
that will give you that competitive advantage in the job market.

How can I become a mentee?

Students can become a mentee at any point in their academic career from the 1 st year to the final year.

Who are the mentors?

The CGU pool of mentors comprise of current entrepreneur students, alumni and experts from field.
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