LED Club, University of Kelaniya
LED KLN is a student-run body initiated at the University of Kelaniya to groom the professionalism of undergraduates. We operate with members studying in various fields such as Science, IT, Management and Social Sciences with the main concepts of Leadership, Empowerment, and Development. LED KLN's establishment resulted from identifying a necessity to mould young personnel to achieve success and improve society. And so, we create the best professionals with first-hand experience by providing ideal solutions to reduce the gap between the corporate world and undergraduates.
We at LED KLN operate with three core values: STEP, LEAD, and STAR. Our year plan and event lineup are made with these three core values in mind.
LED KLN has a flat hierarchy that allows all members to achieve the same experience level. All four avenues of LED KLN, Branding and Marketing, Business Development, Human Resources, and Organizational Development, offer the same exposure for their respective members. All these avenues are shaped to provide proper leadership skills while empowering and developing undergraduates before they enter the corporate world.
To achieve our mission and vision, we have set our objectives as follows :
- Social Development to shape/craft Sri Lankan undergraduates to lead their potential to empower and develop.
- Personal Development to improve the undergraduates' soft skills, which directs them towards their passionate careers.
- Professional Development to transform members into situational personalities by creating awareness of business etiquette.
- Industry Related Awareness Programs to create a platform for the undergraduates to involve in first-hand
- Career Assistance and Guidance to help the undergraduates embark on new career opportunities.

Our Activities in 2022
LED Funday '22

As the first event for this term, INCITE Series was organized mainly focusing on newbies of LED KLN. We conducted two sessions as panel discussions under this series.
- Session 1 – The Voice of Intern
The main objective of this first session was to provide an understanding of what the industry expects from an intern, which is the first step of undergraduate exposure to the corporate world.
- Session 2 – The Minds in Academia
The main objective of this second session was to provide guidance and knowledge on postgraduate studies for undergraduates willing to continue their path in Academia.

LED Talks
LED TALKS is a series of meetings for LED KLN members to share knowledge among the inner circle and discuss progress while having fun.
So far in this term, we have conducted three LED Talks sessions.
- First Session – LinkedIn for Undergraduates
The main objective of this session was to give our members an understanding of how to properly use LinkedIn to expand their professional network while also finding possible career opportunities.
- Second Session – Your Dream CV
The main objective of this session was to give our members the understanding of how to create their Curriculum Vitae (CV) to stand out from the growing crowd competing for the same job roles.
- Third Session – LED Blood Meetup
This third session ended the virtual era LED KLN has been operating for the past year and a half. We organized a meetup to bring our member base physically together for the first time in a long time. The objectives here were to mark the transformation of LED KLN activities from virtual to physical and enable our members to mingle with one another to create a stronger bond with lasting memories.
- Fourth Session – Be the Best Candidate
The fourth LED Talks session was held as a physical gathering at the university premises. The main objective of this session was to give our members a clear understanding of how to properly face an interview, whether virtual or walk-in,.

STEP Series
STEP is the initial point of our core values, where we equip our members with the basics of everything they need to know to be successful professionals. In other words, the STEP Series is designed to provide LED KLN members with the opportunities to learn, develop a career-oriented mindset, and construct the necessary professional foundation.
This year, the STEP Series consisted of four sessions focusing on essential skills that would benefit any professional in the current world where a regular job does not hold up against the requirements of a stable lifestyle.
- First Session – Path to Entrepreneurship
The main objective of this session was to motivate our members to take up the path of entrepreneurship and discuss any problems or doubts they might have when beginning their entrepreneurial journey.
- Second Session – Find Your Inner Freelancer
The main objective of this session was to help our members understand the life of a regular 9 to 5 job and how they can equip themselves with in-demand skills to be successful freelancers.
- Third Session – Secrets of Social Media Marketing
The main objective of this session was to teach our undergraduates how to properly use the already available vast range of social media platforms for their professional advantage and career growth through effective social media marketing.
- Fourth Session – Step into E-Commerce World
The main objective of this session was to equip our members with the proper understanding of e-commerce and how to utilize the available e-commerce technologies to create more revenue with their entrepreneurial, freelancing or social media marketing ideas.

Creative Corner Series – CCS 2022
The Creative Corner Series, organized by the Branding and Marketing Avenue of LED KLN, allows our members to enhance their design skills and knowledge of designing tools, elements, etc.
The CCS is held annually to meet its objectives. This year, two CCS sessions were conducted to introduce our members to creating elegant designs.
- First Session – Designing Elements
- Second Session – Designing with Canva

Annual Flagship Events
Leadership Conference
Leadership Conference is one of the major events organized by LED KLN with the aim of creating future leaders. This is an excellent platform for all undergraduates to sharpen their leadership skills and meet leaders in different domains.
The conference mainly consists of a session series and practical activities that motivate undergraduates to develop their leadership qualities. Experienced professionals join hands with the conference to share their thoughts and experiences as leaders with the participants.

Inquisitive Minds – The Ideathon
'Inquisitive Minds' is an annual Ideathon organized by LED KLN. Many innovators have great ideas undiscovered within the Sri Lankan undergraduate population. What they lack is exposure, funding, and support. With Inquisitive Minds, the LED KLN community aims to address these issues.
With the collaboration and support of major companies, this competition brings together some of the most outstanding undergraduate minds. It gives them the platform and the opportunity to present their business ideas that provide solutions to real-world scenarios. They also receive significant strategic input from industry leaders on improving their ideas and taking them to the next step. It promotes innovation and celebrates new ideas.

Business School
'Business School' is a series of events that are conducted in three main phases under the guidance of a team of professionals. The main objective of this event is to support undergraduates in identifying their passionate career paths while teaching them about personal branding. The highlight of the Business School is the series of mock interviews that will be held with corporate organizations to equip our undergraduates with the necessary skills and knowledge to make the initial step toward a successful career.
Under the first two phases is a series of sessions to share knowledge in the areas mentioned above, and the mock interviews will be held as the final phase of the event.

Our Activities in 2021
As the first event for this term, INCITE event series was organized mainly focusing on newbies of the club. We have decided to conduct two sessions under this session series. The two sessions were “Corporate expectations from fresh graduates” and “Be Professional – Be You, Meeting the Standards that Matter”. The main objective of the first event is to give an idea of what the industry expects from the fresh graduates. The objectives of the second session are to provide insight into what being professional means and the best professional practices are in the industry and to give a clear understanding of the conduct behavior and attitude of an undergraduate that should be developed before going to the corporate world.

STEP Series Phase 1
The STEP Series was held in two phases and in phase 1 we conducted 3 sessions that can immensely support undergraduates to sharpen their skills. The sessions are respectively, “Your LED Journey In a Flash”, “Stand Up, Be The One”, and “New Dimensions of Personal Branding”. Before dive into sharpening their skills themselves, we need members to acknowledge the year plan of the club and pave the way that members can improve themselves through the LED club. The main objectives of the second session are to motivate members by themselves and give them the idea of how to step out of their comfort zone in order to be the best version of themselves. Since branding is a broad topic in the contemporary world, we thought to give a clear understanding of E-portfolio and LinkedIn through an effective session as our third session in the STEP Series Phase 1.

LED Talks
So far we have conducted six sessions under the LED Talks series. In the first session, “Business Communication Essentials”, members were able to gain the knowledge and improve their skills that are essentials in business communication, mainly focusing on presentations and emails. “Exploring MS Word and MS Excel” and “Enhance Your Learning Process With Online Resources”, the second session of the LED Talks series was organized to give the knowledge of essential tools such as MS Excel and MS Word and to raise the member awareness of the available online resources to gain new knowledge. The objectives of the third session, which was named “Standard of the Business Proposal Writing” was able to raise the awareness of standard business proposals and strategies that should be considered when writing a business proposal and by the next session which was named as “The Pitch Deck Business Proposal”, members were able to enhance their understanding of the right way to pitch their business proposal in an efficient manner. “Negotiating with Internal Stakeholders” which is our next session in the LED Talks event mainly focused on giving a better understanding of the negotiation, strategies, practices, and procedures of negotiation, etc.

STEP Series Phase 2
As the second phase of the STEP Series, we thought to have four sessions which are related to the different four areas like business development, human resource management, organization development, and marketing and social media strategies. The very first session was related to the business development area, which was “Industry Best Practices Strategic Approaches to Business Development”. The main target of this valuable session was to enhance members’ knowledge of various strategic approaches to business development that are used in the industry. The next session was “Internal Relations Management” and it is all about human resource management. During the session, our guest speaker demonstrated the best modern industry practices on employee management and employee performance management. By the third session, “Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing”, members were able to get insight into the best strategies that can use in social media marketing and the various key points that should be considered. The final session was related to organizational development and from this interactive session, members were able to get to know about the new concept of value proposition canvas and the way to implement the value proposition canvas at any time.

Location :
Contacts :
Career Guidance Unit,
University of Kelaniya,
Dalugama, Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka, 11600.
Email: careers@kln.ac.lk
Tel: +94 (0) 112 917 711
Fax: +94 (0) 112 917 711