A word to young dreamers!!
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What bothers you the most in life?
What bothers you the most? Before seeking an answer to the question of what really bothers us in any means, it is pretty much good to think about why we bother about things countlessly whatever it is. Simply because it's the nature of life. Many people try to give different explanations for life. What people are going through and what they want to have or achieve, decide how they interpret life. It differs from person to person depending on their understanding through experiences, values, desires and wants etc.
You might think some people live life better than you?
Maybe. The reason isn't that they have everything more than expected. But it is how they think and act. Anyway We all have given a life when we are born. Sometimes it gets easier and sometimes harder despite being rich or poor. As human beings we all feel despair when we cannot live the life we are eager to have.
So what's the option?
Many people will say to stay happy with what you already have and stop pursuing after things as everything will end up one day. Yes, that's true. But it is not a reason to give up.Being happy with what you already own is always right. But what if you never try to make it more happier and worthy? We are the ones who have to make it colourful! That's why we are living this life. It's correct, everything will come to an end one day. But why do people try to give an end before it comes to an end? if your dreams knock you everyday just Pursue after it! But if it doesn't work, don't mess up. Recreate your plan, keep patience, understand what are the possibilities and what you have to improve. It will have the path and guide you through different avenues that you never imagined. The improvement you get will delight you day by day. Let your luck be your own strength and courage.
Sometimes you will not be able to reach the dream goal. The work you put into it will guide you to somewhere better. Life is full of lessons. what you have learnt and what made you strong can never be gained from anything else. Therefore at least be a striver to be the person who you want to be.
Voyager upon life's sea,
To yourself be true,
And whatever your lot may be,
Paddle your own canoe.
Never, though the winds may rave,
Falter or look back;
But upon the darkest wave
Leave a shining track.
Paddle your own canoe.
_Sarah T Bolton_
Udara Athukorala
Special second year
Department of Mass Communication
Faculty of Social Sciences