Don’t waste your beautiful youth using substance abuse!
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Going off to university is a milestone of a person's life journey. University life is filled with joy, unlimited freedom, social circles and different kinds of experience. Every student in Sri Lanka has a dream to become a good person to society. To become a well educated, smart professional is hard because it needs education, dedication and time. Young age of students will never come again when it passes. In this age many students do mistakens to solve their problems. Drug addiction is a good example. According to the survey of social researchers 2.7% (95% CI: 1.7- 4.2) of students currently use addictive drugs in Sri Lanka.

There are many reasons for substance abuse among students. Main cause of drug and alcohol addictions is peer pressure. Many students refer to substance abuse by the pressure of their close friends. Other one is social media. The persons who use substance abuse upload those photos and write their feelings on social media. Their friends and others think those drugs and alcohol things are acceptable and have social value. Also many movies, TV shows, books and social media programmes glorify the use of drugs and alcohol. As a result many youths think that use of substance abuse is little fun. We know in the teen ages youths are more curious about everythings. Therefore some teens begin using drugs as they are very curious about how it feels. Also sometimes youths have physiological disorders like anxiety, depression, personality problems, loneliness and family history cases. University students are facing high level stress due to academic performance, social circle, financial issues, friends and family concerns. Appropriately students take drugs and alcohol as a relief.